Use the links below to read course descriptions:
Use the following link for the Course Prerequisite Chart.
In grades 9-12, the literature base has two foci: 1) There is alignment where feasible with the Souderton Area High School Career Pathways; and 2) Each student will experience the classics and contemporary works of American literature, world and multicultural literature, and British literature. American literature study in 9th grade provides a firm foundation in techniques of literature analysis and composition. Tenth grade students study British literature. With the completion of ninth and tenth grade language arts courses, students will be prepared for both the Composition and Literature Keystone Exams. The eleventh and twelfth grade quarter course elective program is designed to correspond to the Pathways philosophy and provide students with interest-focused course work delivered through student-centered activities that encourage independent thinking. The secondary language arts program uses McDougal Littell's Language of Literature series along with course specific single title choices. Course materials, skills, and content expectations align with the demands of the Pennsylvania Common Core English Language Arts Standards
The language arts curriculum offers three strands to meet the diverse needs of students.
Performance standards in reading and writing align with the Pennsylvania State Assessment Level 3, which indicates proficiency in both these skills. Students who do not perform to the proficient level need remediation to meet course standards. The English department supports students in reaching proficiency through a team of Intervention Specialists. For detailed information on the state’s assessment of reading and writing including Common Core Standards and Keystone Exams go to, go to www.pdesas.org.
The Pennsylvania General Performance Level Descriptors correlate to a four-point scale as follows:
4 Advanced: In-depth understanding and exemplary display of skills 3 Proficient: A solid understanding and adequate display of skills 2 Basic: Partial understanding and limited display of skills 1 Below Basic: Little understanding and minimal display of skills
Before registering, each student may schedule an individual or group conference with his/her English teacher at which time the program of study and course options will be discussed. Parent/teacher conferences are encouraged, and parents are urged to assist their children with their selections. Please contact your counselor if you need help.
Four primary English courses (9-12) are required for graduation. All primary English courses stress reading, writing, speaking, listening and thinking skills. Note that in addition to the primary English courses, each student is also encouraged to take secondary English electives, which focus on particular English skills.