English Courses > Journalism
Course Name | Journalism |
Course Number | 1600 |
Grade/Meeting time | 9 Daily, semester 10 Daily, semester 11 Daily, semester 12 Daily, semester |
Credit | 1.0 |
Weight | 1.0 |
Graduation Requirement | Technology Journalism may satisfy one of the four English credits required for graduation. While students may take journalism in 9th and/or 10th grade(s), they must take English 9 and 10. |
Prerequisite | Reading level: 3; Writing level: 3 | Special Consideration | This course may be repeated for additional credit. Attendance at three Saturday layout sessions during the semester is a required course expectation. |
Description: The objective of Journalism is to enable students to recognize journalistic style and the role of the press in a democratic society. It is specifically designed for students to refine their ability to write in journalistic style, recognize and analyze contemporary issues in the field of journalism, and make sound editorial decisions. To that end, the course presents an in-depth look at the various aspects of journalistic style through analysis and writing of sports, reviews, straight news, and feature articles. Articles written by Journalism students are intended for publication in the high school newspaper, The Arrowhead. The Arrowhead is computer generated using InDesign and a professional printer. The cost of materials for the Arrowhead is defrayed by the sale of advertisements. Students are expected to manage the business end of production including the selling of ads, billing, budgeting and record keeping. Since Journalism is a co-curricular activity, some after school and Saturday attendance is required. |