English Courses > Money, Power, and Social Justice

Course Name Money, Power, and Social Justice
Course Number 1710
Grade/Meeting time 11 Daily, quarter
12 Daily, quarter
Credit .5
Weight 1.0
Graduation Requirement English
Prerequisite Completion of Grade 10 English
Special Consideration Students may self select readings for use in course projects. Parents are encouraged to review student choices since contemporary, topically appropriate materials, which may be of high interest to students, may not meet family preferences. Instructors will allow a wide range of choices from classic to contemporary works.

Humans are social creatures; we live best when we are part of a society. However, people can be selfish and cruel. This course will explore this dynamic--how can we live together while ensuring the freedom of each to pursue happiness and simultaneously preventing the more ambitious from hurting others? We will explore different solutions to this problem and apply these philosophies to real world situations. Students will apply the ideas found in non-fiction to both real world social issues as well as to issues raised in fiction. The course will culminate in a debate focusing on an issue found in a student selected novel.