World Language Courses > High School Seal of Biliteracy

Course Name High School Seal of Biliteracy
Course Number n/a
Grade/Meeting time 11 Nontraditional meeting time - see description
12 Nontraditional meeting time - see description
Credit n/a
Weight n/a
Graduation Requirement Optional
Prerequisite Different requirements based on relevant option. See below for more specific information.
Special Consideration none


The Seal of Biliteracy highlights individuals with multilingual and multicultural competence to potential employers and provides universities with a method of identifying and giving credit to applicants with high levels of proficiency in a second language.

The minimum target level is Intermediate Mid based on the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines.

Student Whose Primary Language is English:

  • Grade of B or higher in the AP world language course
  • Proficient in the Keystone English exa
  • Take the AP world language exam

Student Whose Primary Language is other than English:

  • WIDA score of 5 or better
  • Passing score on an ACTFL Written (or Oral*) test via Language Testing International (LTI).

*No written test exists for specific language