World Language Courses > Advanced Placement French

Course Name Advanced Placement French
Course Number 5540
Grade/Meeting time 11 Alternating days, full year
12 Alternating days, full year
11 Daily, semester
12 Daily, semester
Credit 1
Weight 1.5
Graduation Requirement Elective
Prerequisite Level IV minimum grade of C+
Special Consideration Students who enroll in this course may also be eligible to apply for the High School Seal of Biliteracy. AP teacher or guidance counselor can provide more information.


Advanced Placement Language courses are designed to help the students “function in the language” rather than “learn language function”.  AP promotes fluency and accuracy in language use, recognizing the importance of grammar but placing priority on all forms of communication with respect to six general themes: contemporary life, science & technology, global challenges, family & communities, personal & public identities and art & aesthetics.  A diverse range of authentic materials are employed, enhanced by current technological accessibility.