Math Courses > Financial Algebra

Course Name Financial Algebra
Course Number 3240
Grade/Meeting time 11 Daily, semester
12 Daily, semester
Credit 1.0
Weight 1.0
Graduation Requirement Mathematics
Prerequisite Completion of Algebra 1, Algebra II, and Geometry
Special Consideration None


Financial Algebra is a college-preparatory course that teaches the use of sophisticated mathematics to become financially responsible. The course employs advanced algebra, geometry, pre-calculus, probability, and statistics to solve financial problems occurring in everyday life. Inquiry-based problem units involving banking, investing, credit, employment, income taxes, automobile ownership, independent living, home ownership, budgeting, planning for retirement and modeling a business are solved by applying the relevant mathematics. The course allows students to experience the interrelatedness of mathematical topics, find patterns, make conjectures, and extrapolate from known situations to unknown situations. The mathematics topics contained in this course are introduced, developed, and applied in an as-needed format in the financial settings covered. Students are encouraged to use a variety of problem-solving skills and strategies in real-world contexts, and to question outcomes using mathematical analysis and data to support their findings. Projects, computer spreadsheets, and graphing calculators are key components of the course. Students will apply the Common Core Mathematical Practice Standards when solving problems and completing performance tasks.