Math Courses > Calculus

Course Name Calculus
Course Number 3427
Grade/Meeting time 11 Daily, semester
12 Daily, semester
Credit 1.0
Weight 1.0
Graduation Requirement Mathematics
Prerequisite Completion of Honors Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus or C or better in Trigonometry/Analysis
Special Consideration None


This course is designed to build a strong foundation in algebra, while introducing college-bound students to concepts of Calculus. The course encourages students to develop a firm grasp of the underlying mathematical concepts while using algebra as a tool for solving real life problems. The comprehensive course presentation invites discovery and exploration, while the integrated technology and consistent problem solving strategies help the student develop strong college algebra skills. Topics included in the Pre-calculus portion of the course are functions and their graphs; intercepts, zeros, and solutions; polynomial and rational functions; exponential and logarithmic functions; systems of equations and inequalities; conics. Topics included in the Calculus portion of the course are differentiation and its applications, integration, and selected applications of the definite integral.