Family and Consumer Science Courses > Pre-School Lab I

Course Name Pre-School Lab I
Course Number 7903
Grade/Meeting time 10 Daily, quarter
11 Daily, quarter
12 Daily, quarter
Credit 0.5
Weight 1.0
Graduation Requirement


Prerequisite B or better in Child Development
Special Consideration


The focus of this course is to further explore human development through active involvement with preschoolers 2 days each week. This involvement will allow you to experience first-hand situations that require you to think, plan, problem-solve, experiment, observe, analyze, and reflect through the leading of both one-on-one and small group activities. You will develop competence in creative teaching techniques, developmentally appropriate practices, child behavior and guidance techniques, interpersonal relationships, health, nutrition and safety standards, and workplace skills. The skills developed and practiced in a pre-school setting will prepare you for careers relating to children and families.