
Caps | Lanyards | Mugs |

Item Number Item Name/Description Price Picture
10 Red Tumbler (20 oz)
A Red cup made of steel with a plastic lid and a large silver "S" emblazoned on the side.
$30.00 Photograph of Red Tumbler (20 oz) Order Form
11 Black Tumbler (30 oz)
Black Tumbler made of steel with a plastic lid and a large emblazoned silver "S" on the side.
$35.00 Photograph of Black Tumbler (30 oz) Order Form
8 Black Baseball Cap with brass clasp, Bold "S"
Black Baseball Cap with clasp on back for sizing and embroidered red "S" on front
$25.00 Photograph of Black Baseball Cap with brass clasp, Bold Order Form
9 Black Lanyard, "S" Repeating
black lanyards with multiple red "S" over the length of the lanyard. At the bottom, there is a clip to detach the hook from the lanyard and a lobster claw lanyard. Sleek look with a silky texture.
$ 5.00 Photograph of Black Lanyard, Order Form