Science Courses > Genetics

Course Name Genetics
Course Number 4415
Grade/Meeting time 11 Daily, semester
12 Daily, semester
Credit 1.0
Weight 1.25
Graduation Requirement Science
Prerequisite Grade of B or better in Biology or a grade of C+ or better in Honors Biology, and a grade of B or better in Chemistry or a grade of C+ or better or concurrent enrollment in Honors Chemistry
Special Consideration This course can be taken for dual enrollment college credit at Delaware Valley University. Students who wish to enroll in the college credit will incur the associated college fees for the class, approximately $300.


This course begins with the study of the basic principles of classical and molecular genetics, including Mendelian genetics, chromosomal structure, DNA structure, and protein synthesis.  Then the course moves into gene expression, mutations, genetic disorders, and gene linkages.  Further study will include modern technologies such as recombinant DNA, gene therapies, and nanotechnologies.  The courses will conclude with our understanding of the human genome and current technologies discovered because of this knowledge.