Science Courses > Advanced Placement Environmental Science

Course Name Advanced Placement Environmental Science
Course Number 4540
Grade/Meeting time 11 Alternating days, full year
12 Alternating days, full year
Credit 1.0
Weight 1.5
Graduation Requirement Science
Prerequisite Grade of C+ or better in Honors Chemistry, or a grade of B in Chemistry and Grade of C+ or better in Honors Biology, or a grade of B or better in Biology and Grade of B or better in Algebra II
Special Consideration Students may not get Science credit for both this AP course and the Environmental Science course


AP Environmental Science is an advanced course designed to be the equivalent of an introductory college course. It is designed as an advanced substitute for the regular Environmental Science course. It is for students with a strong interest in the environmental field. This course will include a strong laboratory and field investigation component designed to give the student the opportunity to test and explore in-depth the concepts introduced in the classroom. Each student will be challenged to analyze and interpret data and apply concepts to the solution of environmental problems. The main topics presented are earth science, energy use, environmental quality, global changes and their consequences, environmental decision making. This curriculum, developed by the AP Environmental Science Committee, will prepare the student to perform at his or her best on the AP exam.