Business and Office Technologies Courses > Business Leadership

Course Name Business Leadership
Course Number 6155
Grade/Meeting time 10 Alternating days, semester
11 Alternating days, semester
12 Alternating days, semester
Credit 0.5
Weight 1.0
Graduation Requirement Elective
Prerequisite Current membership in a service club (FBLA, Link Crew, Student Council, Student Government, National Honor Society, Key Club or Leo Club) or hold an officer/executive position in any other school activity.
Special Consideration None


The focus of this course is to provide students the opportunity to expand and utilize leadership and business skills that have a direct impact on their success and direction in the world of business. This course is designed to help students develop competent business leadership and organizational skills, project planning and management know-how, develop greater interest in the business enterprise system, and encourage efficient money management. Students may also have the opportunity to work with various community groups and businesses.