Business and Office Technologies Courses > Introduction to Business

Course Name Introduction to Business
Course Number 6100
Grade/Meeting time 9 Daily, quarter
10 Daily, quarter
11 Daily, quarter
12 Daily, quarter
Credit 0.5
Weight 1.0
Graduation Requirement Business
Prerequisite None
Special Consideration None


Are you interested in working in the world of business? Are you curious about what makes the business field exciting and challenging? This highly interactive "hands-on" course will give you the basics that you will need to know about the business world. Students will brainstorm unique business ideas and have the opportunity to turn the business idea into a real, operational business. Creative thinking, business planning, business management, the effects of marketing, and leadership will be covered in this course. Students will have the opportunity to work with the Junior Achievement to develop and operate their own class business. Students will also have an opportunity to join Future Business Leaders of America, a national organization that connects them with many leadership and business networking opportunities